高級酶混合物 advanced enzyme blend:
通過降解 TNF-α 和 MMP2 和 MMP9 來促進癒合,這些物質會損害身體對創傷和疾病的反應。1 同樣在一項雙盲臨床研究中,護膚霜中含有的蛋白酶技術顯示顯著減少燒傷疤痕發癢.2
1. Sampson EM, Baskovich B, Schultz G, Parnell LKS. Wound Dressing Components Degrade Proteins Detrimental to Wound Healing, Int Woound J 2008; 5:543-551
2. Nedelec B, Rachelska G, Parnell LK, LaSalle L., Double-blind, randomized, pilot study assessing the resolution of postburn pruritus. J Burn Care Res. 2012 May-Jun;33(3): 398-406. Doi: 10.1097/BCR.0b013e315233592e.